

Your child is precious to you and precious to God. 
You want the very best for them, and so does God.
You want them to make right choices in life, for themselves and for others.
A christening is just the beginning of this and so much more.
It the start of an amazing journey of faith for your child  and a special day
for all your friends and family, during your child will be baptised with water.

Baptism (often called a christening) marks the beginning of a journey with God, a journey that continues for the rest of our lives. This first step is a response to God’s love, when parents and godparents promise to help bring up the child in the Christian faith.
It is also a celebration, a time to come together with family and friends to remember your child is loved by God, is part of a wider community, and is welcomed into the family of the church.

We love welcoming people into our church family at St Chad's so if you would like your child baptised then please come along on a Sunday at 10.15am to see the church and meet the family. We can then take some details from you and look at dates.
Baptism services are normally conducted on the fourth Sunday of the month as part of our main 10.15am service.


Find out more about a Church of England baptism at


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