Local events & information
External Activities hosted at St Chad's Church
Chair Exercises for Seniors
5.00 - 6.00pm
£3.50 charge
Hoylake Hands & Voices
10.30 - 12.00pm.
For more information contact John - hoylakehandsandvoices@hotmail.com
Wallasey Churches Together
As a church we are part of Wallasey Churches Together. They exist to promote Christian unity and to encourage churches to work together in sharing the gospel.
Wallasey Churches Together currently consists of 20 churches. We were formed in the early 1980s as Wallasey Council of Christian Churches and we are affiliated to Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.
More information can be found here: Wallasey Churches Together
Village Churches Together
As a church we are part of Village Churches Together (VCT), an 'alliance' between the following Churches in the Wallasey Village catchment area, and includes:-
Diana is our representative for this.
Safeguarding at St Chad's Church
St Chad's Church welcomes all members of the community and we are committed to ensuring it is a safe place for everyone. We have adopted the House of Bishops Safeguarding Policy for children, young people & adults. For more information, or if anyone has any concerns regarding any safeguarding issues and wishes to contact the Parish Safeguarding Officer, please click here.